Author: Wade Anastasia Jere
Date: 19 Feb 2012
Publisher: Equ Press
Language: English
Format: Paperback
ISBN10: 6200636176
File size: 43 Mb
File name: Quintus-Antistius-Labeo.pdf
Dimension: 152x 229x 5mm::141g
Download: Quintus Antistius Labeo
Read PDF, EPUB, Kindle Quintus Antistius Labeo. Лабео (Markus Antistius Labeo) Место и дата рождения неизвестны. Существует версия о том, что умер десятого или одиннадцатого года нашей эры. Marcus Antistius Labeo: Jurist, Quintus Antistius Labeo, Philippi, Plebeian, Praetor, Roman Senate, Tacitus, Gaius Ateius Capito jurist,Caesar Augustus, Consul Лабеон, Марк Анцистий; Labeo, Marcus Antistius, римский писатель и правовед, ум. Ок. 10 г. Н. Э. Один из 7, Gaius Antonius, 25, Sparkline of topic views for 2 weeks. 8, Ariobarzanes III of Cappadocia, 8, Sparkline of topic views for 2 weeks. 9, Quintus Antistius Labeo Quintus Antistius Labeo (oder Pacuvius Antistius Labeo,starb 42 vor Christus) war ein Altrömisch jurist des gens Antistia,und einer der Mörder von Julius Regardless of which Labeo is meant (Quintus Fabius Labeo, or Attius Labeo, or Marcus Antistius Labeo, or Cornelius Labeo) there is a matter which must be Marcus Antistius Labeo; Rojstvo: 1. Stoletje pr. N. Št. Smrt: 10: Državljanstvo: Starorimska civilizacija: Poklic: pravnik, politik, odvetnik, pisatelj Ælius Tubero (Quintus, gendre de Paul-Émile) 60 Antistius Labeo (Marcus, jurisconsulte ép. Aug.) Axius (Quintus, sénateur contemporain de Cicéron) 29, 81. Quintus Antistius Labeo (or Pacuvius Antistius Labeo, died 42 BC) was an Ancient Roman jurist of the gens Antistia, and one of the murderers of Julius Caesar. Quintus Antistius Labeo (d. 42 BC) was an Ancient Roman jurist. He was one of those disciples of Servius Sulpicius Rufus, who are stated Pomponius to have written books which were digested Aufidius Namusa. [1] He was the father of the more eminent jurist Marcus Antistius Labeo Other articles where Pacuvius Labeo is discussed: Marcus Antistius Labeo: His father, the jurist Pacuvius Labeo, had supported the republican revolutionary Marcus Junius Brutus, one of the assassins of Julius Caesar. Although the younger Labeo likewise espoused an obsolescent Roman republicanism against the imperial form of government, he Quintus Antistius Labeo, a Roman jurist, and disciple of Servius Sulpicius Rufus. One of the murderers of Caesar in defense of the Republic, Antistius had MARCUS ANTISTIUS LABEO (c. 50 B.C. - A.D. 18), Roman jurist, was the son of Pacuvius Antistius Labeo, a jurist who caused himself to be slain after the Marcus Antistius Labeo was the son of Quintus Antistius Labeo, both prominent lawyers of Rome at the time of Caesar Augustus. John Marston's father was an Quintus Antistius Labeo. Gaius Cassius Longinus. Pontius Aquila. Gaius Cassius Parmensis. Marcus Porcius Cato. Servius Sulpicius Galba. Publius Servilius Quintus Antistius Labeo római jogász. Augustus alatt élt, híres jogász volt, alapította meg az úgynevezett proculianus iskolát. Irodalmi működése állítólag 400 könyvre terjedt, melyekből számos kivonat található a Digestákban. Hmrc corporation tax rates 2019/20. Serge gainsbourg cool. Hotel tierra inka ollantaytambo. Lustige tierskizzen. Quintus antistius labeo. Vallejo Under Augustus two jurists were pre-eminent, Quintus Antistius Labeo and Gaius Ateius Capito, the founders of the two later schools, named, after their pupils Marcus Antistius Labeo. (born c. 54 bc died c. 10/11 ad), Roman jurist who was the greatest figure in imperial jurisprudence before the time of the emperor 34) M. Antistius Labeo, Sohn von Nr. 35 (Pomponius Dig. Noten eines nicht näher zu bestimmenden Quintus zum Edictscommentar (frg. Marcus Antistius Labeo Další jazyky Stránka Marcus Antistius Labeo je dostupná v 20 dalších jazycích. Návrat na stránku Marcus Antistius Labeo.
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